Hot favourites as Theme Functions and Parties, or for general Celebrations like Birthdays and Anniversaries are the good old Hippie, Disco, and 70′s or 80′s type get together! With the Disco Balls (Mirror Balls) and spots, and Boogie lights, Lounge Lasers, Splash lights et al.
Really top notch in this “medley” of light is the use of Smoke Machines that highlight the cones/beams of light as they spread and move across the room. My particular Smoke Machines are very small, can be carried in one hand, and generate huge big clouds of smoke at the touch of a button.
Each machine comes with a remote that lights up with a red button as you power it on by plugging it into a normal wall socket. Leave it till the red light goes off/changes to green then smack the smoke flow button and the smoke will start pouring out.
A must for any Function, Party, Celebration or Event where lights of any kind are being used, but particularly so with Boogie lights, splash lights and lounge lasers!